Prepare to launch! Maisie Frobisher is All At Sea…

Here comes Maisie! And typically, the paperback arrived fashionably late to dinner yesterday evening… All At Sea is the first in a new series, the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries, which I’d describe as adventure mystery. Maisie Frobisher popped up originally in the Caster & Fleet books, but you don’t have to have read those first. Early reviewsContinueContinue reading “Prepare to launch! Maisie Frobisher is All At Sea…”

Announcing a new series: the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries!

Well, I did say I’d do another update on Maisie before the end of the year, and here it is! And behold, it’s a series, the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries! Take a look at the covers… Regular readers may have noted that I’ve been mentioning a spinoff to the Caster & Fleet series for a littleContinueContinue reading “Announcing a new series: the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries!”

Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!

Halloween Purrlock! I’m delighted to present this year’s dose of Halloween spookiness, The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud! It isn’t part of the Halloween Sherlock novelette series, since this one isn’t exclusive and therefore isn’t in Kindle Unlimited, but it’s very much the same kind of book. I’ve priced Scarlet Rosebud at 99c/99p/€0,99 for ebook and $3.99/£2.99 for paperback,ContinueContinue reading “Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!”

The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!

Fancy a bit of creepy Halloweeny Sherlocky goodness – or should that be badness? If so, you’re in luck! Behold The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!  Here’s the blurb: A medium dies – but is it murder? When Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the death of Marcia Le Fanu, a well-known medium, they enterContinueContinue reading “The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!”

Here comes Pippa! Cover reveal for Murder in the Meadow – and how you can get a review copy

*drumroll* Allow me to introduce Murder in the Meadow, Pippa Parker book 4! My first book 4 – I feel like a proud mum! Here is the cover (that spade gave me a surprising amount of trouble): Murder in the Meadow will be launching on 4 December at a price of $2.99/£2.99 for ebook, with the paperbackContinueContinue reading “Here comes Pippa! Cover reveal for Murder in the Meadow – and how you can get a review copy”

I’m now on Booksprout! Come and find me for an ARC of Halloween Sherlock

What does that mean, I hear you ask? Well, Booksprout is an Advanced Review Copy (ARC) managing service, and as I’m not very good at managing ARCs, I thought using a system to keep track of them would be a great idea. So if you like the idea of joining my ARC team and gettingContinueContinue reading “I’m now on Booksprout! Come and find me for an ARC of Halloween Sherlock”

Season of mists, mellow fruitfulness and Kindle Countdown Deals…

Ah, the leaves are falling and the kids are back at school… To celebrate the wonderful peace and quiet, I’ve scheduled a couple of Kindle Countdown Deals! My first book, The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes, is on discount in the US and UK from today, Thursday 7 September, till Wednesday 13 September. So if you’d like toContinueContinue reading “Season of mists, mellow fruitfulness and Kindle Countdown Deals…”

Release the fog!!! Well, on pre-order anyway…

So, yesterday I pushed the button. Sherlock Holmes and the Deathly Fog, the second instalment in my Halloween Sherlock series (yes, I have decided it’s a series), is now available to pre-order, and will launch in September! Just in case the header image on here has done weird things to it, here is the book cover in full:ContinueContinue reading “Release the fog!!! Well, on pre-order anyway…”

And we’re off! Camp NaNoWriMo begins…

Hello all. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and I am feeling smug because I’ve written 1250 words this morning and started a new book! CampNaNoWriMo has begun. Well, it started yesterday but I was running a poetry and short story event at Stockton Heath festival, so for me today was the day.ContinueContinue reading “And we’re off! Camp NaNoWriMo begins…”

A Thursday update: ARCs available!

What a relief! Yesterday I got the last comments from my wonderful proofreader, made the changes, and uploaded the final version (I hope) of A Jar of Thursday to Amazon. I’m a natural fretter, so while I knew I had time to make changes, I still had the what ifs in the back of my mind. WhatContinueContinue reading “A Thursday update: ARCs available!”