Venturing into a new genre: The Book Swap

It feels very strange to be releasing a book which isn’t a mystery, but here we are! Allow me to introduce a new novelette (long short story), The Book Swap. If I had to describe its genre, I’d say it’s a contemporary romcom but with considerably more comedy than romance. As usual, it’s available inContinueContinue reading “Venturing into a new genre: The Book Swap”

Here we are again: new year goals…

This year seems to have gone both quickly and slowly. Somehow, the whole family has managed to stay Covid-free (I ought to cross my fingers but it’s quite hard to type at the same time). The kids are back in school, I’m back tutoring (in just one school this time), but my husband is stillContinueContinue reading “Here we are again: new year goals…”

#EscapeWithABook Week 8: School’s Out

It’s Week 8 of #EscapeWithABook, and this week’s a bit different because I have a FREEBIE for you! School’s Out is a longish short story which I wrote as a bit of a warm-up for Pippa Parker book 6. It’s a very gentle, cosy mystery which features a few of the characters you may haveContinueContinue reading “#EscapeWithABook Week 8: School’s Out”

#EscapeWithABook Week 7: Halloween Sherlock

It’s Week 7 of #EscapeWithABook, in which I run a discount on a different ebook every week. Each book is 99p/99c (UK/US only, because of how Amazon run their discount system). In addition, almost all my books are in Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, you can read over 20 of my books that way.ContinueContinue reading “#EscapeWithABook Week 7: Halloween Sherlock”

On finding a new writing routine when your old one collapses

It’s been an interesting few weeks, hasn’t it? We’re all coping with something which, frankly, I could never have imagined. First of all, I’m not complaining. So far, my family’s doing OK. The grown-ups are still working, the kids have been studying (as far as I can tell!). Most importantly, we’re all well. Of courseContinueContinue reading “On finding a new writing routine when your old one collapses”

The game is afoot! A new Sherlock anthology

I’ve been waiting to post about this until the ebook version is out, and now I can! The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories, Volume XIV, is out in ebook, paperback, and hardback, and I have a story in it! I was rather chuffed to receive a hardback contributor copy in the post a few weeksContinueContinue reading “The game is afoot! A new Sherlock anthology”

It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…

I noticed about halfway through this morning, in the midst of running errands and nothing much to do with writing, that today is my 3-year self-publiversary. My first self-pubbed book launched on 1 April 2016 (I picked that date for a reason, honest!), and hey, here I still am. I published a post for myContinueContinue reading “It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…”

Watch out! A cornucopia of Sherlockery is imminent!

A while ago I had a lovely surprise in the form of an invitation from noted Sherlockian David Marcum to write a story for the MX New Sherlock Holmes anthologies. If you haven’t come across these anthologies before, they bring together new traditional Holmes stories from all over the world. The anthologies also raise moneyContinueContinue reading “Watch out! A cornucopia of Sherlockery is imminent!”

Double launch day – a cabinet and a trio!

Today is launch day for not one but TWO books! OK, I’m cheating slightly because one is a box set/omnibus edition, but hey. Here are the books in question! Hopefully you can tell from the covers that they’re kind of related. 😉 Both are from my most traditional and probably darkest Sherlock Holmes series, Halloween Sherlock.ContinueContinue reading “Double launch day – a cabinet and a trio!”

Happy self-publiversary to me!

I only noticed this about half an hour ago (it’s latish afternoon here in the UK), but today is my 30-month or 2.5-year self-publiversary! Yes, two and a half years ago I unleashed The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes on an unsuspecting world, and then, well, I just kept going. 30 months feels like a long timeContinueContinue reading “Happy self-publiversary to me!”