Mind where you go! Death on the Towpath launches today!

Hazeby-on-Wyvern must be the most murderous market town in Britain because Death on the Towpath, book 4 in the Booker & Fitch cozy mystery series which Paula Harmon and I write together, is out today! We couldn’t be happier with the reviews so far from our ARC readers. You can read most of them onContinueContinue reading “Mind where you go! Death on the Towpath launches today!”

2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year

2022 has been quite a year – I think we can all agree on that. I’ve spent a fair portion of it with my jaw on the floor at what the government have got up to. However, that’s not what I’m here for. On to the review! It’s been an odd year, writing and publishing-wise.ContinueContinue reading “2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year”

3…2…1: Past Tense is launched!

It’s launch day! If you like, you can imagine that I’m writing this with virtual bunting strung above my head, and drinking a glass of virtual champagne (although it’s a bit early for that sort of thing). Anyway, I’m very pleased to announce that Pippa Parker book 6, Past Tense, is now available in ebook andContinueContinue reading “3…2…1: Past Tense is launched!”

Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!

Halloween Purrlock! I’m delighted to present this year’s dose of Halloween spookiness, The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud! It isn’t part of the Halloween Sherlock novelette series, since this one isn’t exclusive and therefore isn’t in Kindle Unlimited, but it’s very much the same kind of book. I’ve priced Scarlet Rosebud at 99c/99p/€0,99 for ebook and $3.99/£2.99 for paperback,ContinueContinue reading “Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!”

The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!

Fancy a bit of creepy Halloweeny Sherlocky goodness – or should that be badness? If so, you’re in luck! Behold The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!  Here’s the blurb: A medium dies – but is it murder? When Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the death of Marcia Le Fanu, a well-known medium, they enterContinueContinue reading “The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!”

A late spring clean! Website updated

OK, May is a bit late for a spring clean…but overhauling my website is one of those jobs which I eye warily, hoping it might go away if I don’t look at it directly. The last time we moved house one of the things we found was that the house had 3 fuseboxes – asContinueContinue reading “A late spring clean! Website updated”

It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…

I noticed about halfway through this morning, in the midst of running errands and nothing much to do with writing, that today is my 3-year self-publiversary. My first self-pubbed book launched on 1 April 2016 (I picked that date for a reason, honest!), and hey, here I still am. I published a post for myContinueContinue reading “It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…”

How do I measure success as a writer?

This is something which has been on my mind lately, probably as a sort of hangover from all those goal-setting New Year posts. What’s the best way to measure success as a writer? Or do I mean as a publisher? Ooh, now that’s a different question entirely. There are so many things you could focusContinueContinue reading “How do I measure success as a writer?”

Hold your horses and prime your pistols – Katherine and Connie are back on the case!

Paula Harmon and I were going to keep quiet about this for a little while longer, but as people have already started buying it I guess we have to come clean. Caster and Fleet are back! Katherine and Connie’s fourth adventure, The Case of the Masquerade Mob, is now available to pre-order in ebook, and willContinueContinue reading “Hold your horses and prime your pistols – Katherine and Connie are back on the case!”

Here comes Pippa! Cover reveal for Murder in the Meadow – and how you can get a review copy

*drumroll* Allow me to introduce Murder in the Meadow, Pippa Parker book 4! My first book 4 – I feel like a proud mum! Here is the cover (that spade gave me a surprising amount of trouble): Murder in the Meadow will be launching on 4 December at a price of $2.99/£2.99 for ebook, with the paperbackContinueContinue reading “Here comes Pippa! Cover reveal for Murder in the Meadow – and how you can get a review copy”