10 thoughts on being an independent author

As it’s Indie Author Week this week, and I’ve now been self-publishing for just over 6 years, here are some thoughts on what it’s like to be an independent author. Before I start, two things: What follows is drawn from my own experience – I’m not saying it will be the same for everyone whoContinueContinue reading “10 thoughts on being an independent author”

Ambushed by a spam fritter!

So there I was, editing away at the children’s book I’ve drafted, and starting to think about what to write next.  The obvious contender is Maisie Frobisher book 5, and it would make sense to plot books 5 and 6 together and then crack on. Wouldn’t it?  But fate had other ideas… I’d been idlyContinueContinue reading “Ambushed by a spam fritter!”

Here we are again: new year goals…

This year seems to have gone both quickly and slowly. Somehow, the whole family has managed to stay Covid-free (I ought to cross my fingers but it’s quite hard to type at the same time). The kids are back in school, I’m back tutoring (in just one school this time), but my husband is stillContinueContinue reading “Here we are again: new year goals…”

It’s that time again: new year goals…

Well, 2020 has been interesting, to say the least. What’s that saying about ‘may you live in interesting times’?  I reread last year’s ‘life goals’ post, and either I was unusually prescient, or I may be partly responsible for the mess that has been 2020. If so, I apologise. That said, I’m conscious that I’mContinueContinue reading “It’s that time again: new year goals…”

New year, same goals…

At least I’m getting in with the new year’s goals post quicker than I did last year! I won’t get into whether it’s a new decade or not because people will start squabbling, so let’s move along. Here’s a recap of last year’s goals: Work smarter, not harder  Try some new things  Get fitter  2019ContinueContinue reading “New year, same goals…”

It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…

I noticed about halfway through this morning, in the midst of running errands and nothing much to do with writing, that today is my 3-year self-publiversary. My first self-pubbed book launched on 1 April 2016 (I picked that date for a reason, honest!), and hey, here I still am. I published a post for myContinueContinue reading “It’s my 3-year self-publiversary today! 12 reflections…”

Yes, it’s that new year post…

I bet you’ve read loads of these New Year posts already in 2019, but this is probably as much for me as it is for you, so here goes! You’ll notice that this post is a bit later than the majority of goal-setting posts. That’s partly because I’ve been surrounded by family until today. It’sContinueContinue reading “Yes, it’s that new year post…”

Happy self-publiversary to me!

I only noticed this about half an hour ago (it’s latish afternoon here in the UK), but today is my 30-month or 2.5-year self-publiversary! Yes, two and a half years ago I unleashed The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes on an unsuspecting world, and then, well, I just kept going. 30 months feels like a long timeContinueContinue reading “Happy self-publiversary to me!”

Avalanche – words complete!

Um, you remember that last post I wrote, about a week ago? The one where I said I was co-writing a book? WE’VE FINISHED THE DRAFT!!! Yes, I am rather excited. The Case of the Black Tulip(s) – still haven’t decided how many tulips there will be – is a THING! Here are some stats: From startContinueContinue reading “Avalanche – words complete!”

2018 here I come!

It’s January 1. It’s raining. Therefore it must be time for the New Year’s Resolutions / life goals for 2018 post! Last year’s goals: Market new and existing books and stories to maximise their return Walk/run 1000 miles Aim for work-life balance and spare capacity How did I do? Let’s say it was a year ofContinueContinue reading “2018 here I come!”