I can draw and so can you

Now there’s a title for a blog. But why do I feel the need to say it? If you’ve read my blog before, you may recall that back in the summer I wrote a blog about starting to draw after a long time of maintaining that I couldn’t. Here it is: Drawling, stretching, and faintingContinueContinue reading “I can draw and so can you”

Venturing into a new genre: The Book Swap

It feels very strange to be releasing a book which isn’t a mystery, but here we are! Allow me to introduce a new novelette (long short story), The Book Swap. If I had to describe its genre, I’d say it’s a contemporary romcom but with considerably more comedy than romance. As usual, it’s available inContinueContinue reading “Venturing into a new genre: The Book Swap”

The parting of the ways

That title is much more dramatic than this post will be :-)! However, I decided this was something worth writing a little blog about, so here goes. Most of my books – by quite a long way – are books for adults. However, just before the pandemic, I published a picture book for children -ContinueContinue reading “The parting of the ways”

Ambushed by a spam fritter!

So there I was, editing away at the children’s book I’ve drafted, and starting to think about what to write next.  The obvious contender is Maisie Frobisher book 5, and it would make sense to plot books 5 and 6 together and then crack on. Wouldn’t it?  But fate had other ideas… I’d been idlyContinueContinue reading “Ambushed by a spam fritter!”

Here we are again: new year goals…

This year seems to have gone both quickly and slowly. Somehow, the whole family has managed to stay Covid-free (I ought to cross my fingers but it’s quite hard to type at the same time). The kids are back in school, I’m back tutoring (in just one school this time), but my husband is stillContinueContinue reading “Here we are again: new year goals…”

It’s that time again: new year goals…

Well, 2020 has been interesting, to say the least. What’s that saying about ‘may you live in interesting times’?  I reread last year’s ‘life goals’ post, and either I was unusually prescient, or I may be partly responsible for the mess that has been 2020. If so, I apologise. That said, I’m conscious that I’mContinueContinue reading “It’s that time again: new year goals…”

Grab yourself a bargain book: Every Trick in the Book is on sale in the US and UK!

As I’m launching book 3 in the Magical Bookshop series later this week, I decided to celebrate by organising a discount on the first in series, Every Trick In The Book! From today (Tuesday 17 November) to Monday 23 November, the ebook of Every Trick in the Book will be just 99c/99p in the USContinueContinue reading “Grab yourself a bargain book: Every Trick in the Book is on sale in the US and UK!”

Prepare to launch: Brought to Book!

Book 2 of the Magical Bookshop series is here – prepare to be Brought to Book! And so far, my early reviewers have really enjoyed it! This time I’ve advanced a bit further down the path which the first book, Every Trick in the Book, paused at, and a few more things about the bookshop areContinueContinue reading “Prepare to launch: Brought to Book!”

The Magical Bookshop is open!

Yes, I am massively over-excited, because it’s launch day for Every Trick In The Book! I had such fun writing this book, and when I sent it to my beta readers they gobbled it up. My ARC readers have been absolutely brilliant, too, and the book already has some reviews on Goodreads. Read the earlyContinueContinue reading “The Magical Bookshop is open!”