The game is afoot! A new Sherlock anthology

I’ve been waiting to post about this until the ebook version is out, and now I can! The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories, Volume XIV, is out in ebook, paperback, and hardback, and I have a story in it! I was rather chuffed to receive a hardback contributor copy in the post a few weeksContinueContinue reading “The game is afoot! A new Sherlock anthology”

Watch out! A cornucopia of Sherlockery is imminent!

A while ago I had a lovely surprise in the form of an invitation from noted Sherlockian David Marcum to write a story for the MX New Sherlock Holmes anthologies. If you haven’t come across these anthologies before, they bring together new traditional Holmes stories from all over the world. The anthologies also raise moneyContinueContinue reading “Watch out! A cornucopia of Sherlockery is imminent!”

A big 12 Days thank you!

Back in May 2017, I joined 12 other writers to take part in a charity Christmas anthology, 12 Days of Christmas, with all profits going to the child literacy charity The Book Bus. The premise was 12 stories, each themed according to the carol ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’. The anthology was the brainchild of theContinueContinue reading “A big 12 Days thank you!”

Book launch: 12 Days of Christmas charity anthology!

I’m delighted to post that 12 Days of Christmas, an anthology of 12 stories in aid of the child literacy charity The Book Bus, launches today! Isn’t it pretty? Little did we know, when Laura Greenwood asked back in May if anyone fancied writing a story for a Christmas anthology, what we were unleashing! TheContinueContinue reading “Book launch: 12 Days of Christmas charity anthology!”

Solstice Dark, Solstice Light: two charity anthologies

I’m sure time is speeding up because it can’t be 6 months since the summer solstice. Then again, waking up in darkness would suggest that it is… Anyway, it’s the winter solstice here, and nearly Christmas, and a time for giving, and for thinking of people less fortunate than ourselves. So I’m waving the FlashDogs banner forContinueContinue reading “Solstice Dark, Solstice Light: two charity anthologies”

Happy National Flash Fiction Day! 5 ways to take part

Saturday 27 June is National Flash Fiction Day, as any fule kno (and it was a struggle to get THAT past autocorrect). So this will be a very short blog post as I do not want to get in the way of all the lovely stories which will be flooding into your lives today viaContinueContinue reading “Happy National Flash Fiction Day! 5 ways to take part”

Solstice Light, Solstice Dark: Return of the FlashDogs

The FlashDogs are back, and this time it’s a double helping with not one but two new short story anthologies out today! All profits from the sale of the anthologies will go to The Book Bus charity, which helps children in developing countries to read and to be inspired by books. As the parent of twoContinueContinue reading “Solstice Light, Solstice Dark: Return of the FlashDogs”

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015

You can blame WordPress for this post. I wasn’t going to do a ‘year in review’ post and then I opened WordPress’s infographic of visits, views, and posts for this blog and, well, I thought it would be rude not to. The WordPress review reminded me that this blog only began in July, which seemsContinueContinue reading “Goodbye 2014, hello 2015”

Release the hounds! FlashDogs are out!

In my last post I mentioned that the FlashDogs anthology was coming out today. 34 writers, contributing 110 stories, in aid of children’s literacy charity IBBY. It’s out! I went to Amazon this morning to buy my copy (of course!) and I was chuffed to see that FlashDogs was in the top 100 sellers inContinueContinue reading “Release the hounds! FlashDogs are out!”

Attack of the FlashDogs!

*drumroll* Coming soon…the first FlashDogs anthology! Perhaps I should explain…The FlashDogs are a collective of flash fiction (short short story writers) from all over the world. We met at various online contests, such as the marvellously dragony Flash! Friday. But then people started to talk online, and from tweets and snippets leapt the FlashDogs, aContinueContinue reading “Attack of the FlashDogs!”