Free book today! Grab your copy of Sherlock Holmes and the Deathly Fog

What better day to give away a spooky little novelette than Halloween? So Sherlock Holmes and the Deathly Fog is FREE today in all Amazon stores! Grab your free ebook NOW! Here’s the blurb: Who can fight a deathly fog? Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are summoned into the heart of London’s slums by perhaps his strangest client yet.ContinueContinue reading “Free book today! Grab your copy of Sherlock Holmes and the Deathly Fog”

2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year

2022 has been quite a year – I think we can all agree on that. I’ve spent a fair portion of it with my jaw on the floor at what the government have got up to. However, that’s not what I’m here for. On to the review! It’s been an odd year, writing and publishing-wise.ContinueContinue reading “2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year”

The Case of the Four Fingers – out now!

Yes, it’s a surprise new book! I wrote a blog a short while ago about the story that came out of nowhere – Out of the blue: a new Halloween tale – and here it is! The Case of the Four Fingers is a paranormal mystery novella, just right for this time of year. It’s availableContinueContinue reading “The Case of the Four Fingers – out now!”

Out of the blue: a new Halloween tale

I’m working on a new and unexpected story. I’m sure there are authors who schedule what they’re going to write when and actually stick to it, but I don’t seem to be one of them. You see, I went on a Heritage Open Day earlier this month. Well, I went on a few, but thisContinueContinue reading “Out of the blue: a new Halloween tale”

Here we are again: new year goals…

This year seems to have gone both quickly and slowly. Somehow, the whole family has managed to stay Covid-free (I ought to cross my fingers but it’s quite hard to type at the same time). The kids are back in school, I’m back tutoring (in just one school this time), but my husband is stillContinueContinue reading “Here we are again: new year goals…”

#EscapeWithABook Week 7: Halloween Sherlock

It’s Week 7 of #EscapeWithABook, in which I run a discount on a different ebook every week. Each book is 99p/99c (UK/US only, because of how Amazon run their discount system). In addition, almost all my books are in Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, you can read over 20 of my books that way.ContinueContinue reading “#EscapeWithABook Week 7: Halloween Sherlock”

Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!

Halloween Purrlock! I’m delighted to present this year’s dose of Halloween spookiness, The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud! It isn’t part of the Halloween Sherlock novelette series, since this one isn’t exclusive and therefore isn’t in Kindle Unlimited, but it’s very much the same kind of book. I’ve priced Scarlet Rosebud at 99c/99p/€0,99 for ebook and $3.99/£2.99 for paperback,ContinueContinue reading “Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!”

The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!

Fancy a bit of creepy Halloweeny Sherlocky goodness – or should that be badness? If so, you’re in luck! Behold The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!  Here’s the blurb: A medium dies – but is it murder? When Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the death of Marcia Le Fanu, a well-known medium, they enterContinueContinue reading “The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!”

Free creepiness! The Case of the Snow-White Lady is FREE 24-28 October

What else can I say? As it’s coming up to Halloween, I’ve made the first ebook in my Halloween Sherlock series, The Case of the Snow-White Lady, free for a few days. If you enjoy it, maybe consider trying the next two, or even the box set which has an exclusive new short story featuring a character youContinueContinue reading “Free creepiness! The Case of the Snow-White Lady is FREE 24-28 October”

Double launch day – a cabinet and a trio!

Today is launch day for not one but TWO books! OK, I’m cheating slightly because one is a box set/omnibus edition, but hey. Here are the books in question! Hopefully you can tell from the covers that they’re kind of related. 😉 Both are from my most traditional and probably darkest Sherlock Holmes series, Halloween Sherlock.ContinueContinue reading “Double launch day – a cabinet and a trio!”