Bits and pieces: a not-3-month writing review

Well, tsk. Despite being the sort of person who enjoys measuring and tracking things, I haven’t done a writing-progress-update sort of post on here for a while. Not since February, I believe. I’ve hivered and hovered on what to blog about for a few days now, and having rejected various topics as ‘not quite theContinueContinue reading “Bits and pieces: a not-3-month writing review”

Something a little different

I’m conscious that I haven’t posted here for a little while. Not because I haven’t been writing – I’ve written various flash stories, carried on editing the novel/hot potato (I’m nearly two-thirds through what I’d say was a fairly thorough edit, involving quite a bit of rewriting, she said defensively), and I’ve had two storiesContinueContinue reading “Something a little different”

Vennsday: #amediting

Look away, nothing to see here… Editing has finally begun in earnest on the middle-grade book I’m writing, AKA the hot potato. I’ve got past the point of vaguely researching bits and pieces, and things have advanced to printing out a chapter at a time and scribbling all over it. Did I really write that?ContinueContinue reading “Vennsday: #amediting”

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015

You can blame WordPress for this post. I wasn’t going to do a ‘year in review’ post and then I opened WordPress’s infographic of visits, views, and posts for this blog and, well, I thought it would be rude not to. The WordPress review reminded me that this blog only began in July, which seemsContinueContinue reading “Goodbye 2014, hello 2015”

The end is nigh! What did I learn from Ether Flash Fortnight?

Well, it’s been quite a (flash) fortnight. Frenzied story-writing and rewriting for the Ether Books Flash Fortnight Challenge, blogging, and image creation. All in the midst of life as we know it, full of smelly PE kits, loom bands and sniffles. Add an organisational restructure at work into that, and it’s a heady mix. Oh,ContinueContinue reading “The end is nigh! What did I learn from Ether Flash Fortnight?”

Writing all over the place

‘Why? Whyyyyyyyy?’ I flung my hands up to the sky as I realised that, as usual, I had bitten off more than I could chew. Let us consider the evidence. I had already decided that it would be a great idea to commit to writing an average of 600 words a day on the hotContinueContinue reading “Writing all over the place”