A book reading from The Magical Bookshop

I’ve been on the Zoom again! Having braved it once and suffered no ill-effects, I’m back with a book reading from Every Trick In The Book, which is the first in my Magical Bookshop series. This series, which I began last year in the midst of lockdown, is the light, fun, escapist mystery read IContinueContinue reading “A book reading from The Magical Bookshop”

It’s World Book Day – so here’s a book reading!

Doing a book reading is one of those things I’ve been meaning to get round to for a long time. So as it’s World Book Day today, I decided to take the plunge and go for it. Not so that you can actually see me reading the book, you understand – after all, there areContinueContinue reading “It’s World Book Day – so here’s a book reading!”

Winner winner chicken dinner: CampNaNo 2017

Phew! August 1 (how did that happen?) and I’m very pleased to report that Camp NaNoWriMo is done and the sequel to Murder At The Playgroup is in full draft! Here’s the graph: My target was 50,000 words for the month, and in the end I wrote just over 53K to finish Murder In The Choir. TheContinueContinue reading “Winner winner chicken dinner: CampNaNo 2017”

My World Book Day

This year I was invited to come to my kids’ primary school on World Book Day and do a little talk about writing and how I get my ideas. My thoughts, in order, were: Great! I get to talk about writing! Ah. It’s World Book Day. I need to dress up. Not that I haveContinueContinue reading “My World Book Day”

Start in the middle

Last weekend I was lucky enough to get a place on a free flash fiction workshop. It was held as part of the Rochdale Literature and Ideas Festival, at a building called Number One Riverside. I’d read somewhere that the building houses the town library, so when I came face to face with this IContinueContinue reading “Start in the middle”

Reading aloud

A few months ago, at Hallowe’en, I wrote about facing the fear and reading a story out loud for the first time at the local writers’ group. Today I read out loud for the first time at a public event – the WayWord Festival in Chester. I was invited, with the other Cheshire Prize finalists, toContinueContinue reading “Reading aloud”

Things that go bump in the night

Growing up, Hallowe’en wasn’t really a thing. Once, before my mum had quite grasped the concept, she answered the door and said ‘Trick’ to the waiting group of kids. I think she was hoping for some close-up magic. Anyway, she fumed when she spotted the Silly String the next day. I’ll be out later, shepherdingContinueContinue reading “Things that go bump in the night”