How do I measure success as a writer?

This is something which has been on my mind lately, probably as a sort of hangover from all those goal-setting New Year posts. What’s the best way to measure success as a writer? Or do I mean as a publisher? Ooh, now that’s a different question entirely. There are so many things you could focusContinueContinue reading “How do I measure success as a writer?”

I got a bad review and the world didn’t end

This week has mostly been about formatting the paperback version of the Secret Notebook. It’s the first time I’ve formatted a real book and, after wrangling with a CreateSpace template, I’m hoping I’m over the worst. I will blog about it at some point, but not until I’m convinced there are no more surprises inContinueContinue reading “I got a bad review and the world didn’t end”

Bits and pieces: a not-3-month writing review

Well, tsk. Despite being the sort of person who enjoys measuring and tracking things, I haven’t done a writing-progress-update sort of post on here for a while. Not since February, I believe. I’ve hivered and hovered on what to blog about for a few days now, and having rejected various topics as ‘not quite theContinueContinue reading “Bits and pieces: a not-3-month writing review”

I Write Like…

Oh, you must know I Write Like. It’s that website where you paste in a chunk of what you’re writing and it tells you who you write like. I’m not sure when I first discovered it, but it’s been around since 2010. According to my not-very-in-depth research (see below) it uses a naive Bayes classifierContinueContinue reading “I Write Like…”

Jumpers for goalposts: the quarterly writing review

Well, 3 months has gone in the blink of an eye. It’s 2015, Christmas has come and gone (mercifully without any Santa-related mishaps – see Sleigh 1: Elves 0), and here we are in February! Time to review my writing goals…what have I been up to this time? Of the 11 goals I set myself,ContinueContinue reading “Jumpers for goalposts: the quarterly writing review”

Weighing it up: the 3-month writing review

Way back in August I posted a blog on how I’d measured progress against my writing goals over the last three months.    Well, it’s November (how did that happen?) and I guess it’s time to have another look. What’s changed? Plenty, as it turns out. My goals changed. Instead of worrying about numbers ofContinueContinue reading “Weighing it up: the 3-month writing review”

How’s it going? Evaluating progress

At work, I talk about evaluation and evidence a lot: What are the benefits of this project? Can we find a way to measure this? How do we know it’s worked? So when I decided to give writing a try, measuring success was one of the things I considered. The original spur was that, onContinueContinue reading “How’s it going? Evaluating progress”