Announcing a new series: the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries!

Well, I did say I’d do another update on Maisie before the end of the year, and here it is! And behold, it’s a series, the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries! Take a look at the covers… Regular readers may have noted that I’ve been mentioning a spinoff to the Caster & Fleet series for a littleContinueContinue reading “Announcing a new series: the Maisie Frobisher Mysteries!”

Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!

Halloween Purrlock! I’m delighted to present this year’s dose of Halloween spookiness, The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud! It isn’t part of the Halloween Sherlock novelette series, since this one isn’t exclusive and therefore isn’t in Kindle Unlimited, but it’s very much the same kind of book. I’ve priced Scarlet Rosebud at 99c/99p/€0,99 for ebook and $3.99/£2.99 for paperback,ContinueContinue reading “Watch out, it’s The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!”

The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!

Fancy a bit of creepy Halloweeny Sherlocky goodness – or should that be badness? If so, you’re in luck! Behold The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud!  Here’s the blurb: A medium dies – but is it murder? When Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the death of Marcia Le Fanu, a well-known medium, they enterContinueContinue reading “The Adventure of the Scarlet Rosebud is now available to preorder… and there are a few ARCs left if you’re quick!”