Vennsday: On book formats and buyers

It’s been ages since I did a Vennsday post, but I had a moment the other day and hey, why not share it. One of the pieces of advice which I’ve heard over and over again is that if you self-publish, pretty much all your sales will be ebooks. I took this on board andContinueContinue reading “Vennsday: On book formats and buyers”

#Vennsday: Finding a balance

Today’s post (and Venn diagram) relates to something that I feel much of the time, but which seesawed even more than usualĀ at the end of last week. I’m talking about a lack of balance or consistency in how I see myself as a writer. Usually I chug along trying to do my best, and toContinueContinue reading “#Vennsday: Finding a balance”

Vennsday: #amediting

Look away, nothing to see here… Editing has finally begun in earnest on the middle-grade book I’m writing, AKA the hot potato. I’ve got past the point of vaguely researching bits and pieces, and things have advanced to printing out a chapter at a time and scribbling all over it. Did I really write that?ContinueContinue reading “Vennsday: #amediting”