2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year

2022 has been quite a year – I think we can all agree on that. I’ve spent a fair portion of it with my jaw on the floor at what the government have got up to. However, that’s not what I’m here for. On to the review! It’s been an odd year, writing and publishing-wise.ContinueContinue reading “2022 and all that: a review of my writing and publishing year”

Swallowed a dictionary

This week I’ve been doing the final – I hope – proof on my middle-grade novel, Rich Girl, Poor Girl. At the same time, I’ve been writing down ‘tricky words’ to put in a glossary at the back of the book. That is, words I’m not sure a 9 to 11 year old would necessarilyContinueContinue reading “Swallowed a dictionary”

Plotter or pantser? JanuWriMo

Some people are just gluttons for punishment. Having done, and won, NaNoWriMo in November, completing an 80,000 word draft in mid-December, who would want to do it all again two months later? *puts up hand* This time I was planning to write not one book but two. Two 25,000-word middle-grade children’s books, possibly the firstContinueContinue reading “Plotter or pantser? JanuWriMo”