I Write Like: Bitesize edition!

I’ve blogged about the I Write Like website before (see here), but I couldn’t resist having another go! This time I’ve fed 4 flash-fiction stories from my forthcoming collection Bitesize into the I Write Like maw. I figured that as I’ve arranged the stories in 4 layers according to mood, it would be interesting to see what IContinueContinue reading “I Write Like: Bitesize edition!”

Take a free bite of Bitesize!

I’m delighted to say that Bitesize, my new collection of 68 flash fiction stories, is now available to pre-order from Amazon at an introductory price of 99p/99c! Launch day (box-opening day?!) is Saturday 25 June, UK National Flash Fiction Day. To celebrate, I’ve decided to try something new. I’ve created a little 4-story sampler, one from eachContinueContinue reading “Take a free bite of Bitesize!”

It’s alive! Secret Notebook publication day

Today’s the day! Sometimes April 1 has seemed a long way away, sometimes terrifyingly close, but here it is, and with it The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes! More later, including a cover design post, Pinterest board, and exclusive interview, but for now you’ll have to make do with a free sample. Hope you enjoy it!ContinueContinue reading “It’s alive! Secret Notebook publication day”

Making a Pinterest writing portfolio

This week I made my first Pinterest portfolio, and it was much easier than I thought. I have a feeling that I may be massively behind the curve on this, and shockingly late to the party, but I’m going to blog about it anyway. Until this week my forays into Pinterest were limited to the occasional trawlContinueContinue reading “Making a Pinterest writing portfolio”